All Census information is as of April 1, 2014. No data on any individual residence will be released. To protect the privacy of individuals, data is compiled and presented at the city, ward and neighbourhood level only. Neighbourhood results with a population under 49 are not posted to protect the information collected. The designation of “No Response” includes households from which no census data could be collected or only partial data was available. “Other Residential” includes dwelling units not covered by the other categories, such as a unit attached to a non-residential structure (e.g. an apartment in a store or church) or a movable structure (e.g. recreational vehicle, tent, etc.).
- Community Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Your Rating
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Raters
- 0
- Visits
- 1133
- Downloads
- 416
- Comments
- 0
- Contributors
- 0
- Category
- Census
- Permissions
- Public
- Tags
- 2014 municipal census, structure types, citywide
- SODA2 Only
- Yes
Licensing and Attribution
- Data Provided By
- City of Edmonton
- Source Link
- License
- See Terms of Use
General Information
- Purpose
- Current, reliable census data is an essential tool available to the City of Edmonton, and all census data consumers, that will enable them to meet current and future challenges. The data allows consumers to anticipate and adapt to change. Basing decisions on constantly updated demographics results in more appropriate use of revenue and resources, allowing consumers to be proactive in their response to multiple demands, shifts in priorities and rapid changes that the future will bring. With changes being made to collection of federal census data, consistent collection of municipal census data will be the most reliable source of comparative data available to the City of Edmonton. Current census data will also allow the City to maximize per capita grants provided by the provincial and federal governments.
- Primary Dataset or View
- View
Quality Indicators
- Duplicates Removed
- Yes
- Verified for Accuracy
- Yes
Time Frame
- Period of Coverage
- 2014 Municipal Census (April 1, 2014)
- Update Frequency
- Not Updated (Historical Only)
- Automated or Manual
- Manual
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