Outline of City of Edmonton's corporate boundary line from January 1, 2019 00:00:00
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List of centroids for current neighbourhood boundaries found within the boundaries of the City of Edmonton. Note - this map includes both residential and industrial neighbourhoods. Also, due to the configuration of a neighbourhood, the centroid may not necessarily lie properly within a neighbourhood boundary.
City of Edmonton Corporate Boundary. CSV file with columns for Point ID, Latitude, Longitude, and Order. All columns are used to draw the boundary in Tableau
Boundaries for each Edmonton neighbourhood. CSV file with columns for Point ID, Neighbourhood ID, Neighbourhood Name, Latitude, Longitude, and Order. Point ID, Latitude, Longitude, and Order are used to draw the boundaries in Tableau.
This dataset provides the current (as of the date that this dataset was last refreshed) geometric polygons of the City of Edmonton's civic ward boundaries and the associated Council member in office.
This dataset provides the current, future, and historical geometric polygons of the City of Edmonton's civic ward boundaries and the associated Council member in office.
The associated map can be used to filter to display the ward boundaries as of a specified date. It's also possible to use the API to extract just the rows that you're interested in, for example:
List of the 2021 Edmonton Election Voting Subdivisions, with the multipolygon geometry of the Subdivision as well as the Location and Address of the Election Day and Advance Voting Locations