Each year, the City reviews how much money it needs to pay for municipal programs and services that are necessary to maintain and enhance Edmonton’s high standard of living.
This budget process allows City Council and Edmontonians to identify where the money is needed most and helps determine the budget to meet those needs. As part of this process, the City considers where the money to cover municipal programs and services comes from. One of the revenue sources for any municipality in Canada is property taxes.
To ensure that all Edmonton property owners pay their fair share of property taxes, the City follows the guidelines established by the provincial government and uses a property assessment process.
By legislation, the City collects only enough taxes to support its programs and services—it cannot collect more and it cannot collect less.
Ultimately, by paying your share of property taxes, you contribute to the financial stability of our community and support the quality of life for which Edmonton has become known.
This dataset is a breakdown of the historic tax rates, starting in 2014.
For more information on taxes, please go to:
For more information on the various bylaws governing the tax rates, please go to: