In 2010, Capital City Clean Up initiated a Graffiti Vandalism Audit to assess the amount of graffiti vandalism found in the neighbourhoods in Edmonton with the highest reported incidences of graffiti. A follow-up audit was completed in 2011 to determine if there were significant changes to the amount of graffiti found. This data set is result of the 2011 Graffiti Vandalism Audit. You can view the report at:
In 2010, Capital City Clean Up initiated a Graffiti Vandalism Audit to assess the amount of graffiti vandalism found in the neighbourhoods in Edmonton with the highest reported incidences of graffiti. A follow-up audit was completed in 2011 to determine if there were significant changes to the amount of graffiti found. This data set is result of the 2010 Graffiti Vandalism Audit.
In 2010, Capital City Clean Up initiated a Graffiti Vandalism Audit to assess the amount of graffiti vandalism found in the neighbourhoods in Edmonton with the highest reported incidences of graffiti. A follow-up audit was completed in the following years to determine if there were significant changes to the amount of graffiti found. This data set is result of 2015 through to 2017 Graffiti Vandalism Audits. You can see the 2017 report at:
Total number of citizen complaint driven or officer initiated snow on City sidewalk, nuisance property, graffiti, noxious weeds, and business licence Bylaw investigations
In 2010, Capital City Clean Up initiated a Graffiti Vandalism Audit to assess the amount of graffiti vandalism found in the neighbourhoods in Edmonton with the highest reported incidences of graffiti. A follow-up audit was completed in the following years to determine if there were significant changes to the amount of graffiti found. This data set is result of 2015 Graffiti Vandalism Audits. You can see the 2014 report at:
In 2010, Capital City Clean Up initiated a Graffiti Vandalism Audit to assess the amount of graffiti vandalism found in the neighbourhoods in Edmonton with the highest reported incidences of graffiti. A follow-up audit was completed in the following years to determine if there were significant changes to the amount of graffiti found. This data set is result of 2012, 2013 and 2014 Graffiti Vandalism Audits. You can see the 2014 report at:
Time line chart for the total number of citizen complaint driven or officer initiated snow on City sidewalk, nuisance property, graffiti, noxious weeds, and business licence Bylaw investigations
This was one single topic among many as part of the July 2014 Mixed Topic survey. Test link to view these questions: Open from July 08 - 20, 2014. At the time the survey was launched survey invitations were sent to 846 Insight Community Members. 662 members completed the survey which represents a completion rate of 78%. A total of 705 respondents completed the survey: 662 Insight Community Members and 43 using the anonymous link which will have no demographic info.
Total number of citizen complaint driven or officer initiated snow on City sidewalk, nuisance property, graffiti, noxious weeds, and business licence Bylaw investigations