This dataset represents the centre points of each Zone or Operational Area where Photo Enforcement was historically "scheduled" to be conducted. An enforcement unit can be found anywhere along the area of the Zone. An enforcement unit may not be able to operate at the specified zone and subsequently move to a zone that is not scheduled for enforcement. The centre points are extracted for mapping purposes only and are not intended to imply or suggest that is where the Photo Enforcement is being conducted. Designated Zones are continuously reviewed, revised, added, removed and otherwise updated in accordance to the guidelines for establishing a Zone for photo enforcement. Automated enforcement is expected to be operating at the locations indicated. Please be advised that automated enforcement may be used at other locations within Edmonton as well. Locations selected for enforcement may be removed or added as determined by weather, road conditions, roadway closures or construction, equipment issues or other unforeseen circumstances.
Each enforcement site has one or more reasons for why enforcement is taking place. The list of reasons are:
a) Areas or intersections where conventional enforcement is unsafe or ineffective;
b) Areas or intersections with an identifiable, documented history of collisions;
c) Areas or intersections with an identifiable, documented history of speeding problems;
d) Intersections with an identifiable, documented history of offences;
e) Intersections near schools, post-secondary institutions, or other areas with high pedestrian volumes;
f) School and playground zones or areas;
g) Construction zones; or
h) Areas where the public or a community has expressed concerns related to speeding.