uPLVI Link to Ecological Field Guides
Ecological attributes interpreted for the Provincial PLVI are based on the provincial ecosite field guides developed by Alberta Environment and Parks. Initially it was thought that the provincial field guides could be used for the Edmonton area. However, early reconnaissance surveys indicated that many of Edmonton’s vegetation communities were unique to urban environments and were not described by either the Central Parkland or Boreal Mixedwood ecological field guides already developed by the Province.
Therefore, a slightly modified ecological system supported by an independent “urban” ecological field guide was required to finalize the uPLVI. With this in mind a field sampling program was designed in 2015 to establish as many vegetation plots as possible within a limited budget to encourage the capture of the natural variation that existed in Edmonton’s natural areas.
The resulting work is outlined in Edmonton’s first Urban Ecological Field Guide.
Edmonton’s Ecological Field guide is connected to the 2015 uPLVI through the Stand Type attribute. This new Field guide is expected to evolve and become more robust as more vegetation plots are implemented across the City.