The uPLVI Framework
In order to capture the unique land use variation found in large urban settings the Provincial PLVI land-cover types were modified. Table 1 shows the land-cover collected for the uPLVI. To provide more land-cover information within urban settings seventeen (17) Site Types were added to the Provincial PLVI classification.
More information on the uPLVI framework and how it relates to the provincial PLVI can be found in Section 3 and 4 of the uPLVI Interpretation Manual.
Table 1. Hierarchal land-cover classification of uPLVI
Bold script indicates new site types in addition to the Provincial PLVI site types.
*At the time of the uPLVI framework development (2013/14) the Province of Alberta had not yet released their recently released Alberta Wetland Classification System (AWCS). It is currently being planned that the next update to the uPLVI will be adapted to support wetland identification using the AWCS.