City of Edmonton Cemeteries

Insight Community Survey Results

City of Edmonton Cemeteries was one of several topics covered in the April 2018 Mixed Topic Insight Community Survey. The survey was open from March 20 - 27, 2018.
At the time the survey was launched, survey invitations were sent to 7,507 Insight Community members.
A total of 2,180 respondents completed the survey:
  • 2,169 members (or 29% of the invited Insight Community members).
  • 11 other individuals who accessed the survey via a link.  No demographic information was gathered for these 11 individuals.
To view the survey questions, click on the following link:

Question 1:

Respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"Are you aware that the City of Edmonton operates cemeteries offering traditional (casket) burials and interment of cremated remains?"

Question 2:

Respondents provided with a list of 7 cemeteries and then were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"Have you ever visited one of the City of Edmonton’s 7 city cemeteries?"

Question 3:

If the answer to Question 2 was Yes, then respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"Have you visited one of the City of Edmonton’s 7 city cemeteries in the last 12 months?"

Question 4:

If the answer to Question 2 was Yes and the answer to Question 3 was Yes, then the respondents were asked to select all that apply to the following question:
"What was your reason for visiting the cemetery?"
  • Attending a service
  • Visiting a family or friend interred at the cemetery
  • Walking through to another destination
  • For recreation (e.g. running/jogging, etc.)
  • For contemplation
  • Walking a pet
  • Birdwatching
  • To enjoy parkland space
  • Other (please specify)
  • Prefer not to answer

Question 5:

If the answer to Question 2 was Yes, then the respondents were asked to select all that apply to the following question:
"What do you believe are acceptable uses of a City of Edmonton cemeteries?"
  • Attending a service
  • Visiting a family or friend interred at the cemetery
  • Walking through to another destination
  • For recreation (e.g. running/jogging, etc.)
  • For contemplation
  • Walking a pet
  • Birdwatching
  • To enjoy parkland space
  • Other (please specify)
  • Prefer not to answer

Question 6:

"Respondents were asked to rate their level of agreement on a scale of 1 to 5 on the following statement:"
  • The space was calming and tranquil
The walking paths and roads were well maintained
  • The availability of benches and seating was sufficient
  • The statues, pagodas, and other design features were well maintained
  • The overall space was aesthetically pleasing
  • The cemetery was clean and well maintained