Neighbourhood Leisure Centres

Insight Community Survey Results

Neighbourhood Leisure Centres was one of several topics from the August 2018 Mixed Topic survey.   The survey was open from August 14 - 21, 2018. 
At the time the survey was launched survey invitations were sent to 9,266 Insight Community Members.
A total of 2,661 members completed the survey:
  • 2,639 members (or 29% of the invited Insight Community members),
  • 12 individuals from the call to action button on our webpage and 
  • 10 using the anonymous link(s) on  No demographic information was gathered for these 16 individuals.
To view the survey questions, click on the following link:

Question 1a:

Respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"To the best of your knowledge, is there a City of Edmonton recreation centre in your neighbourhood?"

Question 1b:

Respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question: 
"To the best of your knowledge, is there a City of Edmonton recreation centre within 5 km of you (about a five minute drive)?"

Question 2:

Respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question: 
"Do you know which City of Edmonton Recreation Centre is closest to where you live?"

Question 3:

Respondents were presented with a map that showed the various Recreation Centres across Edmonton. Respondents could click on an icon to have details for the centre's fly out and be viewed to help identify the centre to select in the drop down list. Respondents were then asked to select one response only to the following:
"Which City of Edmonton Recreation Centre is closest to where you live?"

Question 4:

Respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"Have you visited a City of Edmonton Recreation Centre in 2018?"

Question 5:

If the answer to question 4 was Yes, then respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"When choosing a City of Edmonton Recreation Centre to visit, what is most important?"

Question 6:

If the answer to question 4 was Yes, then respondents were asked to select all that apply to the following question:
"What mode of transportation do you use to travel to the facility?"
  • Walk
  • Bike
  • Drive
  • Public Transit
  • Other (please specify)

Question Outdoor Pool 1:

Respondents were presented with a map that showed the various Outdoor Swimming Pools across Edmonton and could click on an icon to have details for the Pool fly out and be viewed to help identify the Pool. Respondents were then asked to select all that apply to the following question:
"Which outdoor pools have you visited in 2018?"
  • Borden
  • Fred Broadstock
  • Mill Creek
  • Oliver
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • None

Question Outdoor Pool 2a:

If the answer to the outdoor pool question was Borden, then respondents were asked to select one response only to the following question:
"Is Borden the closest pool to where you live?"